Thing 3: Monty Python's...

What. A. Film.
Pull up a pew, lets explore this cinematic masterpiece.
(Side note - I hate the word 'movie'. You're in England. Grow up)
Catapulted onto screens in 1979, it's controversial nature meant it was certified 'X' in 39 UK local authorities and completely banned in Ireland and Norway. 46 years on, and its better than ever. Witty commentary, coupled with pure madness. From Biggus Dickus, to 'He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!', to 'blessed are the cheesemakers', its gem after gem.
Infact, 'always look on the bright side of life' is on my cheer-up playlist. I may be depressed, but at least I'm not being crucified.
Funny story - Life of Brian is my conversion film. Set the scene... you're in bed with a potential suitor. Their arm is around you. You likely smell of tequila and are still wearing an uncomfortable strapless bra that facilitates wearing a slutty 'night-out' top. God knows why the man is still there.
'Life of Brian' gets turned on. Max 22 minutes later, 'Life of Brian' is very much off, if you get my gist.
Unsure if its because
a) no one likes 'Life of Brian' so they'll do anything, including sleep with me, to turn it off.
b) They realise how advanced my sense of humour is, and how edgy and retro I am. They obviously now want to sleep with me.
Guess we'll never know.