Place 3: Olympics, LA 2028

The Olympics: 2 weeks of uniting the nation in passive observation and delivering judgement on athleticism and technique from the sofa, with a KitKat.
It's 2pm on a Saturday, BUT the men's diving is on. Maybe Tom Daley will be knitting. I'll just check.
There goes 3 hours.
Better still, the Brazilian beach volleyball team are competing on Sunday morning ! Miraculously, all men in England crash onto the sofa. Suspicious...
Those who know me will roll their eyes at this, because, as they observe, everything makes me cry.
The Olympics, however, genuinely makes me sob. Athletes that have been training their whole lives for this moment. A grit and resilience us chubby 'goes on the occasional jog' Brits will never have. Paris - Simone Biles' comeback, the iconic Aussie breakdancer, and Hodgkinson's 800m Gold.
A YouGov poll revealed that 27% of Brits believed they could compete at LA 2028. Brilliant. The sheer arrogance.
Having said that, I completely subscribe to this idea. LA 2028 is on this 'places' tab as I fully anticipate, and hope, I will be there in 3 years. Haven't chosen my discipline yet - must remember to sit down and do that - I think perhaps showjumping? I did have a Dartmoor pony when I was 8 so I've already got most of the training. Synchronised swimming? Can't hold my breath and am not at 7% body fat (despite NY resolution) so perhaps not. The relay seems obvious in terms of its potential for glory, but I just can't trust my team not to let me down with a slow leg or a dodgy handover.
Will muse and get back to you.
LA 2028, I'm coming for ya.